Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thursday Night

I had so many powerful experiences on this trip, but I think the one that I'll remember forever is Thursday night before we left.
Our whole group was staying in a hotel right across the street from the airport, Kevin, Kenton and I were in a room together. We were talking about the trip in general, til around 12-1 ish. Around that time Kevin fell asleep. But Kenton and I kept talking. We were talking about some spiritual concepts and stuff like that when I just felt the room get really "dark". Granted, all the lights were off in the room, but it did seem like the room was getting very dark. I told this to Kenton, and then he started to feel a dark presence in the room. I felt that if I had looked out the window, some creepy, demon, thing would be looking in. So we both just kind of felt that we should pray for this and cast whatever was in the room out. Then Kenton (I'll try to tell his story as best as I can, but talk to him about it) during the prayer felt as if something was diving straight at him, and he felt himself lift his hands to protect his face. Later he realized that when he held up his arms, they formed a cross.
So we prayed for a long time, just commanding whatever was in the room to leave in Jesus's name. As we were praying, I started to feel better, however, after the prayer was over, I still felt as if something was still lingering right outside of the room, not as powerful as last time, but it was still there. Then I just felt from God that we weren't done commanding demons. I remember Chad or some youth leader saying during the Spiritual Warfare series @ youth group that even the demons tremble and worship at the sound of Jesus's name. So I just felt God telling me that we needed to bind the demons and cast them at the feet of Jesus and make them worship him, because ultimately they have no power over us in Jesus's name.
So we prayed for that for a long time, and during that time, I just felt God giving me a peace about this whole trip, and our travel back to the states. So we prayed for our safe travel back to the states, and that whatever was formerly in the room, would bow before the feet of Jesus.
After we were all done, it was quiet in the room, and it seemed "brighter" in a sense than before. That night really showed me the power that Jesus has over any spiritual force. And that night also changed my view on spiritual warfare and its existence in any area of life.
Andrew King
P.S. Kenton has another take on this, which is awesome! So be sure to ask him about it. (He may even blog about it).

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Just so everyone knows, American airlines has told us that everything is good for us to leave today at noon. In a few minutes we are heading out to the airport to catch our flight.

Everyone is fine and everything is on schedule. We will see you all tonight!!


On the Road Again

Yesterday all 22 of us piled into the Bert's home and we basically stayed there all day. We played lots of cards, colored, made bracelets, and ate lots of left over candy. We were all on a sugar high. We were treated to our choice of Burger King or Wendy's for lunch which was amazing.

As we leave we have mixed feelings. We really connected with these people and it is hard to leave them, but at the same time we are incredibly excited to see all of you again, hug our moms and dads, and tell all the stories of this adventure. Thank you for all your prayers and we will see you tonight!

Jenna and Taylor

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Good Night!!

Currently we are packing up, showering, and hanging out as its our last night in Honduras! Everyone is doing great and we are all so excited to see our families tomorrow night!

I'm not going to blog much tonight because we are all just having to much together and soon we will meet for our last debrief session. Can't wait to share stories with all of you tomorrow night.

Thanks so much again for all of your prayers and support!


Sunday, Hallelujah!

Hey everyone!

Happy Sunday! This morning we woke up at 6 and got ready for church. With 25 people to 4 bathrooms, surprisingly we were on time to the service. The girls slept upstairs and the guys slept downstairs.....and the upstairs reeked! Our suitcases smell awful! so, parents, beware! :)

The church is a huge building in Teguz, that has a big dome-shaped roof. The service was very jubilant, because it was one of 4 services during the year where they dress up and have worship dancers in the front. There were people blowing horns, waving flags, and singing songs of praise. The pastors were very "into it", and were wiping their forheads with a cloth. It was pretty hot in the building, and many of us were feeling a little faint, but we loved singing "Open the eyes of my heart" and "Alleluia" in spanish.

For lunch, we went to Wendy's and Burger King. Yay fast food! Please pray that it digests well........... ;) We all downed it in like a minute :)

Please continue to pray for us and the people of Honduras. We love you all and we are all safe!!


Brittany and Natalie

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jessie & Jenna


So as you all know, this morning we had to say goodbye to our host families. It was really bittersweet but luckily we got the chance to pray with them before we left and it really meant a lot. It is still just so amazing that even the minutes before we left they were still serving us, fixing up our bug bites and cleaning off our suitcases. It was truly a blessing to have met them and learn from them.

The ride back was a bumpy one. We'd start to drift off, but then a ridiculous bump in the road would rudely awake us! It was nice to be in air-conditioning though!I think it was the first time Justin wasnt sweating all week long! It was also really nice to see Teguz again! Its crazyhow modern this city seem now after staying in Lomitas.

Our trip to The Valley of Angels was awesome. There were so many cool shops, and American tourists! crazy. We all got a lot of unique Honduran souvenirs and had fun just walking around and having a day to relax. The ride home was amazing as well. The clouds were covering the mountains and it was so beautiful to see.

It has been a fun night at Nate and Kathy's. They are so welcoming and we've all had fun the past few hours just telling stories and getting modeling lessons from Jeff. This later ended in Jon and Josh in skirts. Dont ask. Anyways, we miss you all and cannot wait to tell you all of our stories!

God Bless "Dios le Bendiga"

Jessie & Jenna!