Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jessie & Chad!


The past 24 hours have once again been so amazing. Last night we all spent time at the church in Lomitas with each other, and worshiped while a massive storm was going on all around us. Several times the power went out, but we managed. Last night there were also many breakthoughs with the host families. A lot of us including myself were able to spend time with the families and get over the language barrier! God really helped us out, and it was such a blessing to be able to get to know the people we´re living with better. As for today, it has been HOT, but we got a lot done and the new church is looking great!

- Jessie

Chad here now...everyone has been doing so great on this trip!! I am so proud of all of our teens. I´m also happy to report that the digestive problems have all been "worked out". God has been using our teens in great ways, connecting with their host families, the construction workers, and the kids at the kids clubs. The kids start coming 30 minutes before we begin each session just to play with our team and interact with them. It´s been hot during the day (around 115 real feel - I think) but everyone is working really hard and doing a great job. Personally, I kind of like the heat, it feels like a big fuzzy warm blanket that is wrapped around you all the time. It´s all about perspective I guess. The food has been amazing (if you like rice & beans - which I do!). Some of the students may disagree with me, but I have enjoyed it :) Although we did have french fries and green beans for breakfast. Mom...why didn´t you ever give me french fries for breakfast?? But don´t worry, I ate my green beans!

Our kids club is about to begin, so I need to get going, but please continue to pray for great moments with our host families, especially for those of us who know no Spanish! Also, pray for continued safety and energy for the team as it is hot and they are working hard. We´ve been drinking about 25 gallons of water a day! Please pray too that God would reveal himself in powerful ways to our team, the people in Lomitas, and Orocuina.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support, we definitely feel covered! Be blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. A highlight in my day is reading about the team's adventures. We can't thank you enough for sharing your experiences with us. Mitch must be loving the food - he's a rice and beans guy, too. Please tell him I send a big hug.

    Deb Wirth
